break the laws. ONE is not much concerned with making a show of outer respectability. Homosexuals must first
have self-respect as a group, he concluded.
Legg added that he believed it was an American duty to dissent, to look things over from a critical point of view and decide their merit independently.
Sten Russell, staff writer for ONE Magazine and Los Angeles reporter for THE LADDER, gave her reaction to the ONE Institute Survey Course she had attended in the Spring. In a nutshell, she felt that the ONE Instituto educational program was important to anyone desiring to be a leader, or even an informed observer, in the homophile movement. She referred the audience to her report in the July, 1957, issue of THE LADDER called "ONE Institute, a Specialized School."
Ron Argall, also a student at the Institute, was called upon for a reaction to the Survey Course and the work of the Vocabulary committee. He agreed with Miss Russell as to the value the course held for potential leaders. Но told of the work of the Vocabulary committee in doing the beginning spadework for a Dictionary of Homosexual Terminology. For the benefit of the Fall students, he said the committee had worked up definitions for the following 12 most common and most commonly confused terms: abnormal, bisexual, homophile, homophilia, homosexual, homosexuality, normal, pervert, perversion, sodomy, un-natural and natural.
Tony Segura, public relations director for the Mattachine Society, referred the audience to his report on page nine of the September, 1957, issue of the Mattachine Review. He supplemented this with some observations on how to have a more successful organization. He said, "Always be ready with a bucket of oil to pour on troubled waters iron out personal frictions for the greater cause. Mold the organization around the individuals you have, not those you would like to have. Consider their likes and pet projects and find work for them according to their